School at The Study
Kinder Prep, Kindergarten, and First Grade
The Study offers a unique learning environment for our youngest learners. Combined in one classroom, students begin learning as soon as they enter the classroom. All activities and lessons are developed with your child's unique needs in mind.
Our Kinder Prep program is open to students at least 3 years of age who are potty trained. Students must be at least 5 years of age by September 1st in order to begin the Kindergarten program.
Our day mirrors a regular school day with no nap time. Part-time attendance for Kinder Prep is available on a limited basis, however our program is highly academic and families who opt for part-time attendance will not reap the full benefits of our program.
Curriculum: Sonday's Reading Readiness called, "Let's Play, Learn", Saxon and A Beka math, Heggerty, A Reason for Spelling/Handwriting, computer use, physical education, music, foreign language, Bible (non-denominational), and regular thematic units such as: Salmon in the Classroom, Food Chains, Author Studies, Alaska, Places around the World, and Friendships.
Second through Sixth Grade
Students at The Study benefit from a small class size that caters to individual student needs and strengths. We are able to challenge students who are performing above grade level while working on remedial skills with students who need a bit more time in specific subjects.
Our students are given quarterly assessments in reading, math, and language arts, which allows us to track progress and identify student strengths and weaknesses.
Curriculum: A Beka and Saxon math, Sonday's System and Houghton Mifflin reading, Heggerty, Scott Foresman, Spectrum and The Shurley Method grammar/spelling, computer use, physical education, music, foreign language, Bible (non-denominational), history, science, and regular thematic units such as: Salmon in the Classroom, Food Chains, Insects, Author Studies, Alaska, Plants, Oceans, and U.S. History.
Additional Frequenty Asked Questions
How do I enroll my child?
In order to enroll your child, we will need the following:
- $100 deposit
- Enrollment Packet
- Signature Page from the Student Handbook
- Current Immunization Record
- Birth Certificate or Government Identification
I see you have two classes for all of your grades. How does a multi-grade classroom work?
Multi-grade classrooms have been around since the beginning of traditional education. Although every child is different, we have found that most of our students enjoy being in a multi-grade classroom.
Our current classrooms are split into Kinder Prep and Kindergarten in one classroom, first and second grade in our portable, and grades three through six in another.
The classroom dynamic in a multi-grade classroom tends to feel more like a team or a family, creating an atmosphere more conducive to learning. Subjects like math and reading are taught to small groups of students while the rest of the class is working on assignments. Other subjects like science and art are taught to the entire class, with the specific assignments varying depending on academic level.
Feel free to contact us with questions or read more about multi-grade classrooms in our Information Packets.
I see that your curriculum includes Bible. I am concerned about what this includes. Can I preview the material?
For many individuals, the topic of religion can be touchy. We do our best to choose a curriculum and teach Bible in such a way that is not overbearing. The last thing we want to do is to try and force subjective beliefs on our students or their families.
However, we feel that objective Bible education is an important part of our overall education at The Study. We have had a wide range of families attend our school over the years with a variety of belief systems, and they have all appreciated this aspect of their child's education.
The curriculum we use for our Bible class is by Positive Action. Feel free to research them online. If you would like to look over our Bible curriculum in person, we would welcome a scheduled visit where we can show it to you and discuss any questions you may have.
What are your requirements for uniforms?
Students are expected to wear uniforms consisting of navy or khaki pants/skirts and maroon "The Study" polo shirts daily. On Fridays, students have the option of wearing one of our "The Study" T-shirts.
Hooded "The Study" sweatshirts are available and can be worn over the polo shirt. Other shirts, such as sweaters or sweatshirts, are not permitted.
Girls wearing skirts may wear navy, maroon, or white tights. For younger girls, we highly recommend this since they are often on the floor doing activities.
There may occasionally be a day where uniforms are not required- this will be announced in advance. Additionally, students are excused from wearing a uniform on their birthday.
"The Study" polo shirts and hooded shirts must be purchased; however we often have families who donate outgrown uniforms to us for other families to have. Please let us know if the cost of uniforms becomes a hardship and we will do our best to help assist you.
Can my child take piano lessons as part of their school day?
Yes! Our piano teacher offers lessons during the day throughout the week, and we have many students who opt to take advantage of this service. Your child will be billed separately for their piano lessons, as they are not included in tuition. When scheduling their lesson, we will make sure that it is during a time where they will not be missing out on an important academic subject. Please let us know if you would like your student to take piano lessons or if you have any further questions.
Do you provide transportation to/from school?
As a privately owned/run school, we do not have transportation options for our students. In the past, some of our parents have opted to carpool or have arranged for other families in our school to watch their children.
Some years, we have been able to offer an after-school tutor group for children whose parents cannot get them immediately after school. If this is something you are interested in, please let us know and we can see if it is something we can offer again.
Your enrollment packet includes a consent form for spanking. Can my child still attend if I don't approve of this practice?
We receive many questions about our policy on spanking. Please review our enrollment packet for details on our policy, the procedure that happens leading up to and after the spanking, and the biblical justification for this procedure.
We do allow students to enroll in our school without consent to spank, and there is a space on the form to indicate this. However, in lieu of spanking we will call parents and ask them to remove their student from school for the remainder of the day.
Do you spank older kids as well as younger kids? How often do you spank children?
As you can tell, this is subject in which we receive many questions. As children grow and mature, different consequences become more appropriate for unacceptable behaviors. Although there is no set age, typically by the time a child reaches first or second grade, other consequences become more suitable.
Spanking is not an everyday occurrence at The Study, and we have a protocol and documentation process in place for when it does occur. Many of the students at The Study have never been spanked. Our teachers find no joy in spanking, however there are times when we feel it is an appropriate consequence for inappropriate behavior.
Are there other expenses in addition to tuition? How is tuition or these other expenses paid?
Although we try to keep additional expenses to a minimum, there are some yearly additional expenses that our families incur. These often include consumable materials, uniforms, field trips, and optional pizza on Fridays.
Tuition is due on the first of each month with the exception of August. It can be paid monthly or in one lump sum at the beginning of the year. Payment for consumables is added to October's invoice. We accept checks, cash, and credit cards in person and can accept payments online.
Fast FAQs
- School year runs August-May and mirrors the school district as much as possible.
- School day begins at 8:30am and ends at 2:30pm
- Students wear uniforms, including tan, navy, or black pants/skirts and custom polo shirts with The Study's logo
- Students need to bring their own lunch Monday - Thursday. Pizza provided on Fridays with the purchase of a punch card.
- Parents must provide transportation
- Monthly tuition is $750 with a 10% discount offered for additional students in the same household
Enrollment Information
- Priority is given to students already enrolled at The Study
- Open enrollment begins on March 1st
- Enrollment papers and $100 deposit are required to reserve a space for your student
- Obtain enrollment forms here